Number 1.
The school is pleased to announce the results of the Lower Secondary School Robotics Competition 2011... Champions again ! It's a big feather in the cap this time. The boys capped the top prize at the National Level beating premier schools like Chung Ling and the big jargons.
Yessssss. They will represent Malaysia at Dubai later this month. What an achievement; it has been a long while that we have hit anything like this.
The principal is all smiles at the achievement of the boys.
En Ardi accompanied them but really the lady behind the great show is Grace Ong. Some things just work with certain people. She is one of them. When she puts her heart and mind on a project it's almost always an A+ effort. So the boys who took the show including Neoh Jia Foo, Naik Hsian Jun and Muhad Iskandar must have received thorough guidance from her. Hsian Jun is not in the pic; he must be exhausted.
On weekends, while some are resting at home, I have seen her cleaning the computer store room with a mask over her mouth. Her house help would tag along and together they wiped and cleaned the computers. She is a dedicated teacher who works hard for the benefit of others.
Thank you Grace Ong.
The boys are worth praising. They related that they were sabotaged at the first round when competitors disconnected a gadget and the robot did not respond effectively. Later, they emerged superior as they won round after round . I asked them what the winning streak was. Jia Foo said that it was a marathon effort with plenty of mental strength. Yes that's it. Mental strength. Most competitions are competed with the best in the game but the real trick lies in the mental strength. The stronger you are mentally, the more likely you will win. So, the boys have gained, grit, determination, perseverance and positivity in this competition.
On top of everything else, they will be facing the public exam PMR next week. They have sacrificed time, effort and while their other friends were immersed in their revision, they were fighting for a cause. They have learnt an experience which cannot be bought. It will bring them far in the future. A special mention to the parents of the boys. They also rose up to the occasion by releasing their children for the run; commendable.
To the boys, I say you will make it fine at PMR.
You are achievers.
Thank you for bringing the great news to the school.