Sunday 2 October 2011

Eat !

I remember...
The things I used to do...
There is no choice...
You just have to eat...

The week before has just been one of those weeks; tiring and exhausting. On one of the evenings, we took Sandra out and ate at a mamak stall.

Then came a young family and I witnessed a scene which I was so guilty of in my younger days; forcing food down the throat of my girls. Food was especially difficult with Esther. Believe it or not, meals times were stressful ones. At that age, the most important thing was for them to grow tall and healthy. So, when a meal was not taken well, all kinds of negativity came in. Meal times were battle times.

When I saw the mother feeding the girl, I could only empathize with her and wondered at her perseverance and patience. I told Sandra I do not think I have the energy to pursue such chores anymore. I would probably listen to the wise old women and just let things be what as they are. If the child does not want to eat, let it be. Easier said than done.

Do you see the little boy with the exercise book on the table? I am putting some thoughts together. He was not offered food because he was collected from the caregiver's place ? So he must be very happy not having to eat. He must be wondering why the little sister was being so difficult with the mama. I also noticed him reading his work. Poor thing, every moment with a book.

Dad asked me why is it a child in school has to go through such stress? They either get up before the sun shines and go to school in the dark in the morning or they join the afternoon session and come home in the dark. The hours are so long. Yes, I must admit much energy is needed to nurture a home.

The world goes round in a circle, what goes up must come down, there is a beginning and there is an end and life goes on. The young parents look after their breed and it is cyclic.

Later, after a short tantrum session, the little girl ate. It was a relief to see her eating. The expecting mother in her quiet way managed to win the small battle. The little girl must know mama loves her and by hook or crook she has to eat.

Where is the father? How come such duties are synonymous with women? Or maybe we should cultivate good thoughts. The father must be working hard to put food on the table.

Of young families.

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