Thursday 17 November 2011

A Gentle Persuasion

A Tall Order

The teachers had a magnanimous task. Call every home; every parent, every child. It was a tall order for us. Imagine having to contact every family to come to school. A mandate was passed and it had to be honored.

So, it was a real experience to see for the first time parents willing to sacrifice time and effort on a call. On ordinary days, it would have been an uphill task if reasons were not good enough for them to pay us a visit. Yet, I heard unpleasant stories of some parents screaming at us for having to disturb their daily schedule even with the best reason.

Not only did they come, the parents and students alike were adhering to the school rules; proper attire and lining up as instructed. It was our pleasure to have them in school as they were obedient.

See, we lined them up as though they were first here for orientation. The beautiful part was they were patient and willing to wait their turns.

What were the teachers doing? Teachers are the best; they can do almost anything under the sun and they take instructions diligently. What will the world be like without them?

Yes the teachers were counting notes and registering the recipients. Every child in school had the privilege and for the first time too in my teaching vocation, I saw stars.

This mister security was especially invited to be on the lookout. We have been bombarded with enough stories not to take precautions. There are many rogues out there.

Yes, for the life of me I have never heard nor experience an occasion like this; free money for every child. Every child is entitled to RM100.00 from the government. It did not take much; only a gentle persuasion and soon the news spread like wild fire...come to school to collect your dues. What a day !

Even till the very last day, the teachers had to display tenacity and hard work...distributing free money. The nation is on a national mission.

RM100.00 for every child.
The best gift ?

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